Lighthouse Point
Support Services

Our Services

Direct Support Professionals

We provide direct support services to adults with disabilities ages 21+ throughout New Jersey. Our services are delivered both in home and community settings. Whether you are in need of just a few hours per week, or more consistent and hands on support, Lighthouse Point does not impose hourly minimums. We are dedicated to providing support that is tailored to your individual needs.

Employment Specialists

Employment Specialists assist individuals with disabilities in identifying their strengths and interests and obtain employment within their community. Also known as job coaching - our highly trained staff provide individuals with  one-on-one training and supervision in all aspects and stages of employment. From communication skills, resume writing, job searches, and on the job support - we ensure individuals can meet and exceed the standards of employers and encourage gainful, long term employment.

Employment Support

We also offer support during a client’s employment. You don’t have to do it alone! Check with your support coordinator for these services.

More about us!

Our leadership has more than 18 years of experience in all aspects of DDD support services. Our extensive knowledge of Medicaid regulations and the DDD fee for service service model, enables us to provide top quality, person centered offerings to you or your loved one. We take pride in providing continuous professional development training opportunities to our staff, along with consistent support, to minimize turnover and eliminate staff burnout. We believe treating our staff well, first and foremost, makes for a better experience for our clients. Through advocacy, education, and compassion, Lighthouse Point Support Services provides all individuals the opportunity to thrive.

Contact Us

Whether you’re a potential client, family member of, or support coordinator, let’s communicate! Fill out our form and we will get in contact with you as soon as possible!